Important message to all the Riders


Dear all, the organization wants to preserve the DNA of Wheels & Waves Village as a classic, (PRE-1975), and/or heavily modified motorcycle event.

For this matter and due to the magnitude of this years festival, and the limited space available, we are forced to restrict the access to the parking space at the City of the Ocean to only those motorcycles that comply with the above definition.

If you ride a motorcycle that complies with this criteria, and you want to park it inside the City of the Ocean, YOU NEED TO SUBMIT YOUR REGISTRATION BEFORE JUNE 4TH! By June 5th, the latest, all applications shall be answered and will specify if your motorcycle was selected or not. If your motorcycle was selected, your name will be included in a list that will grant you a special bracelet for the motorcycle which shall be collected at the Information Tent, with your ID and the motorcycle’s registration.

All motorcycles that don’t meet the Pre-1975 and/or heavily modified criteria, are free to move around town and can either park in a secure parking space provided by the city or legally park 2 blocks away from the City of The Ocean.

We hope that you will understand our efforts to make Wheels & Waves a better experience year after year and support us keeping it more alive than ever

Ride free amigos!