Wheels and Waves Focuses on Surf for the sixth edition





hashtag:   #wwloginvitational

For the second year the Wheels and Waves Log Invitational will be partying on the beach under the sun alongside the finest international loggers featuring the likes of Tom Curren, Clovis Donizetti, Victoria Vergara, James Parry, Michelle des Bouillons, Robin Falxa, Mikey De Temple , Eden Saul and Nathan Sadoun, to name a few.

All lined up. A mix of artists, shapers and surfers. L-R Brian Bent, Chris Christenson, Robin Kegal, Eden Saul and Martin Malnoë. Photo by Robbie Warden / @RobbieWarden 

Local Biarritz surfer Clovis Donizetti said “What I’m looking forward the most this year is to find back this feeling of freshness. There will be a winner but that’s not the point. The point is to surf like you want to and enjoy that the others are doing the same.”

The Log Invitational will be happening when the waves are right between
Friday 16th and Sunday 18th of June. A wildcard entry will given to the winners of the trials held between the 14th and 16th of June.

Robin Falxa, French style magician. Photo by Seb Zanella / @SebZanella

English: Robbie Warden : robbiewarden@gmail.com
French: didier@wheels-and-waves.com


hashtag: #gotwood

Finally, from Cornwall, John Isaac invites all comers to show their skills at riding the classic Cornish ply-wood belly board. This ancient wave-riding method still persists in the beach-breaks of England’s South West.

Join us at Plage Milady during Wheels & Waves & experience surf riding in its purest form 🙂
The simple act of sliding shorewards on a piece of ply pre-dates stand up surfriding by centuries & even better they fit on a motorbike real easy 🙂
The simplest , easiest & most satisfying of all surf vehicles , we have boards & if you make it to the final we have period wool costumes for you to wear & pit yourself against the pros to win the coveted GOT WOOD @ Wheels & Waves title !

contact John Isaac: corduroysurf@me.com