We are pleased to announce the attendance of Jeremy Tagand,
Deus Ex Machina bike builder, designer, engineer, test pilot at
Wheels & Waves 2019. French do it better!

Discover Jeremy’s interview below!


– How started the DEUS adventure?

I’m on two wheels since I was little. School was not my thing. As soon as I turned 14, I followed my inclination and multiplied the experiences. I served as a mechanic for Police squad, I also worked in dealership. Then, I lost sight of this environment until during an Australian trip, I stumbled upon the store Deus in Sydney which had just opened. It was in 2007. They were looking for a mechanic, It started as a temporary job & finally turned into a 4 years contract … ! All my passion is reassembled at once. I worked like crazy, day and night, I took evening classes to learn to weld, to work different materials. I built lots of motorbikes, all different. We can say that Deus and I “grew up” together.

– Today, what changed in your life?

I am responsible – and the only one mechanic of Deus Sydney motorcycle department. I am married, and my second daughter has just been born. 13 years later, I continue to get up every morning at 5 am to go surf whatever the weather, before taking my motorcycle to go to the workshop. My greatest chance and motivation is to be happy where I decided to live. If there is one thing that has not changed, it is that I always have the smile when I go to work.

– What inspires you the evolution of the custom scene since ten years?

Since Deus started in the retro custom 10 years ago, the evolution is phenomenal. New projects are coming up every day in the world, there are countless talented builders. The level of creativity is limitless, there is something for every taste and every budget. Anyone can express himself through the customization of his bike. But I believe that the major evolution, the one we builders are most proud of, is that the biggest international manufacturers are inspired by what we do to produce stock motorcycles. In the meantime, the bike itself continues to evolve – with the electric motorcycle tomorrow – and from our side, there is always more to learn …

– What means Wheels and Waves for you?

I first came to Wheels and Waves 5 years ago with my wife during my honeymoon! Since then, I am keeping an eye on the event from Australia. Wheels and Waves is today one of the major motorcycle events worldwide. It’s a big “hotspot” where & when you can both ride a motorcycle, meet builders, meet your clients, your colleagues … It’s a chance for me to come back this year, I’ll be able to take a closer look at the changes , have fun on a motorcycle, perhaps catching up new opportunities, who knows? And above all, meet all those people from around the world to have a great time!