HIT THE DECK skate contest

Wanna skate the ramp like Steve Caballero đŸ˜
HIT THE DECK skate contest is coming back at Wheels & Waves 2019 – Official Event! Fresh skateboarding going on at the Village-CitĂ© de l’Ocean.

Some cash & nice prizes will be dropped out of the jams & happening sessions

No time to lose, put HIT THE DECK on your agenda & come share great time in Biarritz 12th to 16th June 2019! Huge thanks to our skate partners Volcom & Confusion Magazine: International DIY Skateboarding Magazine

Registration â–¶ïžŽ wheels-and-waves.com/en/skate


We are pleased to announce the attendance of Jeremy Tagand,
Deus Ex Machina bike builder, designer, engineer, test pilot at
Wheels & Waves 2019. French do it better!

Discover Jeremy’s interview below!


– How started the DEUS adventure?

I’m on two wheels since I was little. School was not my thing. As soon as I turned 14, I followed my inclination and multiplied the experiences. I served as a mechanic for Police squad, I also worked in dealership. Then, I lost sight of this environment until during an Australian trip, I stumbled upon the store Deus in Sydney which had just opened. It was in 2007. They were looking for a mechanic, It started as a temporary job & finally turned into a 4 years contract … ! All my passion is reassembled at once. I worked like crazy, day and night, I took evening classes to learn to weld, to work different materials. I built lots of motorbikes, all different. We can say that Deus and I “grew up” together.

– Today, what changed in your life?

I am responsible – and the only one mechanic of Deus Sydney motorcycle department. I am married, and my second daughter has just been born. 13 years later, I continue to get up every morning at 5 am to go surf whatever the weather, before taking my motorcycle to go to the workshop. My greatest chance and motivation is to be happy where I decided to live. If there is one thing that has not changed, it is that I always have the smile when I go to work.

– What inspires you the evolution of the custom scene since ten years?

Since Deus started in the retro custom 10 years ago, the evolution is phenomenal. New projects are coming up every day in the world, there are countless talented builders. The level of creativity is limitless, there is something for every taste and every budget. Anyone can express himself through the customization of his bike. But I believe that the major evolution, the one we builders are most proud of, is that the biggest international manufacturers are inspired by what we do to produce stock motorcycles. In the meantime, the bike itself continues to evolve – with the electric motorcycle tomorrow – and from our side, there is always more to learn …

– What means Wheels and Waves for you?

I first came to Wheels and Waves 5 years ago with my wife during my honeymoon! Since then, I am keeping an eye on the event from Australia. Wheels and Waves is today one of the major motorcycle events worldwide. It’s a big “hotspot” where & when you can both ride a motorcycle, meet builders, meet your clients, your colleagues … It’s a chance for me to come back this year, I’ll be able to take a closer look at the changes , have fun on a motorcycle, perhaps catching up new opportunities, who knows? And above all, meet all those people from around the world to have a great time!


Friday June 14th
6km muddy winding dirt track! 100% pleasure guaranteed.


In the same spirit as the Punk’s Peak, the Saint-PĂ©e-sur Nivelle track is prepared to be accessible to all riders. This is dedicated to enduro and off-road motorcycles pre-2000, but since this year, we also offer to a few daring ones the opportunity to attend with their daily ride, as long as the pilot feels the soul of a racer and the class of a gentleman or, of course, a Lady. So few remember the winner of last year, everyone keeps in mind Nick Hashley on his Harley Tank Shift, and that’s what counts: having fun! This year, the site will be optimized so that spectators enjoy a panoramic view of the track.
Wednesday June 12th
100 pilots, 4 categories, 400 meters, 1 sprint, 550 meters altitude


This historic race that was originally only a pretext for some “full throttle excited” to align their motorcycles on a starting grid and to measure themselves, has become in a few years a “rendezvous”. Facing this straight line, fabulous escape to the heart of a sumptuous site, adrenaline is at its climax! Who has never wanted to experience, once in his life, the excitement of the starting grid that is enough to make you a champion? You do not have to be a great driver or have a racing experience: Punk’s Peak is open to everyone, and to all types of motorcycles. It’s time to train left hand on the helmet … and watch the starter!


Saturday June 15th
A quarter of a mile of pure fun, whatever your level.
Two fools who were idiots on the beach of Biarritz, a kind of movement where we felt a unfailing desire to slip with any motorized vehicle … or not (I think our Solex years without engine where the king of the neighborhood was the one who mastered the skid) … it did not take more: El Rollo was born. Riding 19” wheels X no front brake, this race remains open to all participants who dream to realize this kid’s dream… the famous “skid”. A “beginner” category is also set up for the more adventurous to try this so particular type of race…
Waiting period on 12/13/14/15/16 June from 9am
Old school rules with 36 surfers, 9 feet logs minimum, 1 single fin, 0 leash!
Wheels and Waves Biarritz wouldn’t be the same without the surfing.
The Log, as its name suggests, is a longboard contest to which the best local and visiting international talent are invited. The competition will be hosted and run by Damien Marly, and will take place as in previous years on Milady Beach, below Ocean City. As required in surfing, it happen when the weather conditions are best.
Of the many contests taking place during the festival, we’re delighted to say that surfing is becoming more and more popular! Under Robbie Warden’s guidance, the 2017 and 2018 contests, and the enthusiastic response they generated, have proved the potential of this event, which doesn’t take itself too seriously. Good fun and high spirits guaranteed! The contest is open to everyone.

The sacred garage, a place where bikes and boards are stashed, repaired and created
This year we present the “Garage Shapers Exhibition”, a peer-voted surf contest where boards under 7 feet long are ridden by their creator right in front of the festival site at Milady Beach. Local shapers include Chipiron Surfboards Paul Duvignau. and travelling from Australia Thomas Surfboards to name a few. Stay tuned for more details!
Stay tuned for SKATEBOARDING contest registration…

Garage shapers exhibition

The sacred garage, a place where bikes and boards are stashed, repaired and created. 

This year the Wheels and Waves Festival present the Garage Shapers Exhibition, a peer-voted surf contest where boards under 7 feet long are ridden by their creator. In addition to the action that’s going to be happening on the beach, the ” Shaper House” based in the Village will host shapers from around the world, moving foam each day for all to see and enjoy the board making process. Stay tuned for more details. 

Contact damien@wheels-and-waves.com if you want to enter the “Garage Shaper Exhibition”.

Concours Indian

Want it! Win it! What a blast!!!

This year, once again, our partner INDIAN gives you the opportunity to win a motorcycle during Wheels and Waves 8th edition! The brand New FTR 1200! An exceptional gift…
To get a chance to win it, very simple, take your 5 days PASS on our website. Winner will be drawn on Saturday June the 15th at the Village-Cite de l’Ocean. Good Luck!!!
A huge thanks to INDIAN MOTORCYCLE
Only 5 days pass e-ticket holders will be able to participate to the draw, Early Bird ticket holders take also part to the draw.


THE longboard surf contest of the festival aka THE LOG INVITATIONAL will take place on the iconic Milady Beach !

– Rendezvous on Friday, June 15th from 8:30 am.
– DJ set by Manu+ all day long !

Prize : 2 longboards Wheels and Waves 7th edition !

Let’s Go for All day Surfing !


IMPORTANT REMINDER: Wheels and Waves Village moved to Halle d’Iraty, Rue de Pitchot, 64200 Biarritz. Nothing will happen this year at the CitĂ© de L’OcĂ©an, due to weather.

Concerning ticketing and website tickets, schedule remains the same:

> Wednesday, June 13: 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm: only internet pass delivery.
Exhibitors, press and pilots can also withdraw their wristbands from 05.00 pm.
ACCESS: Halle d’Iraty, AllĂ©e du Moura, 64200 Biarritz. (entrance at the lower level).

> Thursday, June 14: Opening of the ticket office, from 9:00 am.
ACCESS: Halle d’Iraty through main entrance, Upper level, Rue de Pitchot, 64200 Biarritz.

> Friday 15th, Saturday 16th, Sunday 17th : Halle d’Iraty through main entrance, Upper level, Rue de Pitchot, 64200 Biarritz.

Stay tuned! đŸ€˜


The Wheels and Waves Village is currently in progress and will open its door tomorrow.
The ticket office and an information point will be open tomorrow at 09.00 on site.

Free parking motorcycles & cars is available on the site.

More information to follow today on social networks & wheels and waves website, stay tuned !!!

Official FB : https://www.facebook.com/wheelswaves/
Official FB EVENT : Wheels and Waves 2018
Official INSTAGRAM : Wheels-and-waves

Photo by Sebastien Zanella

Wheels and Waves 2017 : Les inscriptions sont ouvertes !

Une programmation 2017 placĂ©e sous le signe de l’innovation.


Point de convergence de belles mĂ©caniques, rencontre unique du ride et du custom, Wheels and Waves devient Ă©galement au fil des annĂ©es un rendez-vous surf alternatif. Ce n’est pas un hasard si l’évĂ©nement a installĂ© ses quartiers sur la CĂŽte Basque et plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment Ă  Biarritz, un lieu culte oĂč est nĂ© le surf en Europe dans les annĂ©es 60.

Pas moins de trois contests se dĂ©rouleront durant les cinq jours du Wheels and Waves en prĂ©sence du lĂ©gendaire Tom Curren*. On retrouvera le fameux collectif local SKOSS pour Switched Kick Out Surf Syndicate qui organise un contest ouvert Ă  tous depuis trois ans dans une ambiance chaleureuse et conviviale. le Log Invitationnal lancĂ© par les organisateurs l’an dernier rassemblera un panel de longboarders confirmĂ©s. Enfin, nouveautĂ© cette annĂ©e sous forme de dĂ©couverte, le BellyBoard sera prĂ©sent avec la participation de John Isaac.

Photos ©Robbie Warden ©Binch

Biarritz bourdonnera donc du 14 au 18 juin 2017 de passion et de beau, de glisse et d’esthĂ©tique. L’innovation fera partie de la fĂȘte. A l’image de la premiĂšre moto Ă©lectrique engagĂ©e sur le Run de la Punk’s Peak, en catĂ©gorie Superbike. Une envie des organisateurs du Wheels and Waves renouvelĂ©e chaque annĂ©e pour faire de ces quelques jours un Think Tank Rock Ă  ciel ouvert rythmĂ© par des rendez-vous incontournables :

Mercredi 14 Juin
El Rollo, ou l’art du virage à gauche en glisse et dans la poussiùre.

photo ©Larry Niehues

Jeudi 15 Juin
Art Ride à la Casa Ciriza, ou l’art d’exposer les styles sans les opposer.

photo ©Larry Niehues

Vendredi 16 Juin
Punk’s Peak, ou l’art de parcourir en ligne droite les lacets du Jaïzkibel

photo ©Hiroyuki Maeda

Samedi 17 et dimanche 18 Juin
Ride à travers le Pays Basque nord et sud, ou l’art de se perdre par bonheur.

Et tous les jours

– Surf Contest selon conditions mĂ©tĂ©o.
– Modules de skate
– Stands expo au village de la CitĂ©e de l’OcĂ©an Ă  Biarritz
– Concerts (Moon Duo, Tom Curren, Elliott Murphy, Rocco Deluca, Ryder the Eagle
– Projection de films et de documentaires sur la moto et le surf

photo ©Chloé Daumal

Pré-inscription en ligne
Pour la premiÚre fois cette année, les organisateurs du Wheels and Waves proposent plusieurs packs à différents tarifs :
– Pack 5 jours: 39 €. au lieu de 50€ Ă  l’entrĂ©e du village(*)
– Pack 3 jours (Vend. Sam. Dim.): 35€ au lieu de 45€ Ă  l’entrĂ©e du village (**)
– Pack 2 jours (Sam. Dim.) : 26€ au lieu de 30€ Ă  l’entrĂ©e du village (*)
– Pack 1 jour : 15€

*- Tarif comprenant l’entrĂ©e au village (exposants, concerts, etc) et l’ensemble des accĂšs aux courses et animations prĂ©vues : El Rollo, Art Ride, Punk’s Peak, The Ride.
**-Tarif comprenant l’entrĂ©e au village (exposants, concerts, etc) et l’ensemble des accĂšs aux courses et animations prĂ©vues : Punk’s Peak, The Ride.

Entrée gratuite pour les enfants de moins de 15 ans

Horaires d’ouverture du village
Du Mercredi au Samedi, de 10h à 22h (jusqu’à 0h30 pour la partie concert et bars)
Le dimanche, de 10h Ă  16h.

L’équipe de l’organisation
JĂ©rĂŽme AllĂ© – Julien AzĂ© – Vincent Prat