Music line-up Wheels and Waves 2016

We are happy to present the Music programmation of the Wheels & Waves 2016 edition


SOFT MOON (usa- captured tracks records) Saturday June 11th

The Soft Moon has the special talent to enchant the pop enthusiasts, stuck somewhere between shoegaze and post-punk from the 80’s. Founded in 2009 in Oakland, California, the band is above all the project of a man, Luis Vasquez, who conceives his musical project as a kind of therapy. The New Yorka based label Captured Tracks discovers him pretty fats and it’s in 2010 that the eponymous album of the band is created. The reviews and the public receive it well and The Soft Moon quickly become the symbol the post punk movement renewal. The band live performance, conceived as real acoustic and visual experiences bring him the support of a faithful fan community. The second album, Zeros, sees the light of day in 2012 while Luis Vasquez takes the decision to move to Berlin. So it’s in this city that the third album is composed, Deeper, placed on the market in 2015. The band starts then a huge tour in Europe and in the USA.

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ZOMBIE ZOMBIE (fr-versatile records) on Saturday June 11th

Zombie Zombie is a common project between Neman, Herman Düne’s drummer, and Étienne Jaumet, saxophonist and a big vintage synthesizers collector. Gathered around their common love for the krautrock, horror movie soundtracks from the 70’s and cosmic jazz, the two musicians dream of a crazy clash between Sun Ra and John Carpenter (in honor of whom they recorded an album), Suicide and Can. In live, the duo has teamed up with Dr Lori Schon Berg (Berg Sans Nipple, Turzi) at the drums.

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KID CONGO & THE PINKMONKEY BIRDS (usa-in The Red Records) on Friday June 10th

Kid Congo and The Pink Monkey Birds fourth and strongest album yet for In The Red Records, “La Araña Es La Vida” summons the Mexican muse of The Great Spider Goddess of Teoticuhan who sprouts hallucinogenic morning glories and protects the underworld, or in Kid’s eyes, the world of underground music. Recorded at The Harveyville High School gym in Kansas, Guitar slinger and singer, the legendary Kid Congo Powers (The Gun Club, The Cramps, Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds), bassist Kiki Solis (Knife in The Water, Rhythm of Black Lines), drummer Ron Miller (Switch Hitter, Up The Academy) are joined by Chicano, Mosrite playing guitarist Mark Cisneros (Medications, Deathfix) on this self produced ball of wax.

Official site:
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Twitter: @kidcongopowers


AVENUE Z (fr-slovently records) on Friday June 10th

A disconcerting reconversion from the long-time Magnetic: AVENUE Z, acid river in the grey and post-apocalyptic town in their souls, in which they have always been accomplices. Gloomy synthetic ripple and post-modern garage, retina burner ray of sunshine and synthe-moog-fuzz guitar rolling in soft marble catacombs. The album AZIMUT, recorded by Sébastien Batanis in Bordeaux and mastered by Tim Warren, record cover Lucad Donaud, out in March 2016 on SLOVENLY Recordings (USA, EU, Japon). Retro-future or how to give your body to the Science-Fiction…


RENDEZ-VOUS (fr- avant !records) on Saturday June 11th

A little bit over a year ago, it’s during the winter greyness that we discovered this first EP, from a band we couldn’t miss: Rendez-Vous. Propelled by the track « The Others » and its cold heroism, the quatuor was seen as one these bands you would like to keep secret but of which you can’t prevent yourself from spreading the word. Despite the waiting, the four Parisians took their distance, enclosed themselves for a year for the second EP. The mix of ‘Distance’ was left to the American Ben Greenberg, bassist and singer of The Men, producer of Destruction Unit, Beach Fossils and many other grups, the quatuor took the time to deliver a 6 tracks EP as close as possible to their ambition. The band is back with a ghost convey – the ones from Fad Gadget, Sad Lovers & Giants, The Danse Society or Nitzer Ebb.

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TOMORROWS TULIPS (usa-burger records) on Friday Jun 10th

Stuck between Los Angeles and San Diego, the duo Tomorrow’s Tulips produce sound inspired both by the pop esotericism. Signed with Burger Records, they take part in this garage-rock avant-garde new scene which includes artists like Together Pangea, Dead Ghosts or Cosmonauts. After two years of absence on disc, they just launched a new 8 tracks EP called, iNdy rock royalty comb, which perpetuate their will of ex- perimentation and of Do It Yourself recording technics. Very nineties, this EP is a lot more than a revival and erases the surf-rock aspect of his debut to offer a soft musical fantasy.

Website :
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Brian Bent on Friday Jun 10th

Brian Bent is one cool cat. He excels in the most cool and creative things. He makes his own clothing, his own music and his own, jaw dropping (or rapid transportation). He definitely has a style all his own. He’s an Artist. A Musician.

From the clothes he wears, to the car he drives, to the boards he surfs. 100% Brian Bent. Chances are, whatever he’s wearing, he’s riding in (or on)… he has made himself. His artwork is unlike any other. When I come across a Brian Bent painting, sculpture or screen print -I know it’s his work immediately. His style is all his own. His work has been seen on display at galleries, corporate lobbies, and store fronts from Southern California to Japan and even France. His most current musical endeavor is ‘Ragged ’Ol Sailor’ – a surf rock, rock-a-billy mixture that fits his style to a T.

But above all, Brian is the Wheels and Waves mascot, it will be his fourth season this year !


Will play on Thursday 9th during the Artride Exhibition
The birth of Ghost Number & His Tipsy Gypsies took place in late 2014, with the idea of exploring folk music in its widest meaning, and trying to put in our two cents in the roots music of the first half of the past century. It was about that time when David Pisabarro, frontman and banjo picker, finally achieved to put together a fully acoustic band (upright bass, fiddle, trumpet, guitar and a particularly thin drum set) and since then they haven’t stopped their journey in songwriting and music making.
One of the most distinctive features of the band is the broadness and the eclecticism in their repertoire. With a foot standing firmly in the country & western, the blues and the swing of the 30s and 40s, they don’t hesitate trying to explore less touched and more contemporary areas, fitting in, for example, influences and sounds from eastern Europe, or from Haitian calypso. With all this put toguether, you’ll find that their gigs somehow taste like Cab Calloway, Hank Williams, Johnny Cash, Tom Waits or C.W. Stoneking, and with special attention to the everpresent minor key.

Despite their (yet) short career, they have somehow managed to find their own little gap in the spanish roots scene, and different promoters have invited them to open for bands such as Deke Dickerson, The Straitjackets, The Outta Sites, C.W. Stoneking or Dead Bronco. They have also appeared in several festivals nationwide, like Kutxa Kultur.
